

Bash enjoys drawing an audience into a dialogue and a learning experience. He combines stories from practice life, live polling, case studies, dialogue, break out sessions, creative exercises, and lecture material to create a group learning experience that’s illuminating, that’s fun, and that sticks. Bash can come to your practice or speak at your next veterinary conference. Use the links below to find out more.

Feedback from the conference!


“Bash, thank you for participating in our 2021 Fetch Conference. Feed back was tremendous!  Here are some of the comments. Thank you again. 


  • Loved Bash Halow
  • I enjoyed the trends and new technology talk with Bash Halow.
  • Bash Halow is a great speaker, he is excellent at getting everyone in the room talking and working together.
  • Bash Halow helped me see and think about things differently, it was very helpful.
  • Bash Halow is energetic and engage audience well.


“In addition, your name was listed more than once in response to the question “Please tell us about one or more session(s) or speaker(s) that stands out as you think about your experience.” Jennifer Vossman, Clinical Program Specialist, FetchDVM360″


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