Conference, Workshops, Summits
Bring some of Bash’s motivation, fun, and inspiration to your conference audience!

AVMA and U.K. Feedback
“Bash came to talk to us at the VPMA SPVS in the UK-an amazing speaker-totally switched on & has given me loads of useful things to take back to the practice & action!” Jeremy F.
“I Know How You Feel.”
Bash spent 4 years working as a veterinary client care representative before moving on to work as a licensed technician and later a certified practice manager. He understands what can go wrong, what can go right, and everything in the middle. He connects with all members of the veterinary practice team because he’s been there.
Learning That Sticks
Bash is known in our industry for entertaining audiences and encouraging them to invest in the day’s education. His lectures can include case studies, stories, plays for audience members to act out, live polling, audience discussion, and standard lecture material. Vendors are often pulled into lecture discussions and leaned on for their thoughts and experience. This helps the audience to get to know their education supporters better and to build relationships. Want to see if Bash is available for your next conference? Use the phone icon below or scroll down to the contact form…and don’t worry if you don’t see the lecture that you think is right for your group. Bash can customize material to cover most management topics. Phone him directly for more information 917-825-1630.
RACE Credits
Please inquire regarding RACE credits for any of the listed lectures.
Workflow and Communication in the Age of Stress
If your team has been complaining about burnout or is growing more resentful of demanding clients, this lecture is the perfect solution. With group exercises, audience interaction and science-based facts on workplace happiness this event both educates and inspires. This is Bash's most frequently requested lecture. Team members walk away with insight into their own happiness and practice teams learn how to work together to be more productive and joyful about work. Invite everyone, they'll have a blast!
Effective Client Communication
Taped phone calls to veterinary practices leave audience members slack jawed and laughing before Halow pulls everyone into a discussion of exactly what we are trying to say to clients and how to say it. This lecture is a big hit with audiences. Everyone has a chance to be thoughtful about great service, what it is and what it sounds like. This will make a lasting improvement on how all of your employees engage with pet owners.
Conversations Worth Having
Grieving clients, upset pet owners, those mad at how much you charge...some of your younger team members have never managed a difficult conversation, yet we're throwing them into an arena full of lions. Let me give everyone on your staff an hour of thoughtful discussion and learning on how to manage conversations with the potential for tears, fits of anger or worse. Our job requires us to work in anxious situations and talk to those that may be at their emotional worst. Let's train up on how to do it with confidence and compassion.
Burn Out: A Way Forward
Practices across the country are giving into demands for more balance, more time, more life, but are teams actually happier or more productive? A candid look at what we're gaining or giving up when we step away from frustrations associated with a career in veterinary medicine. This interactive workshop explores career fulfillment and the power of togetherness in the face of stress, exhaustion, and pet owners who are increasingly demanding. Audience members are asked to personally define compassion fatigue, burnout, and work life balance as a way to specifically identify what is upsetting them and how to feel better.
Digital Marketing Made Easy
Blogging, websites, social media and digital handouts...taking control over one's marketing is liberating and extremely cost effective. Mostly it's FUN! Use the day-to-day stories of practice life to genuinely connect with clients and captivate their attention. Best of all, team members thrill when their latest blog post 'goes viral' and reaches thousands! You'll see plenty of furious note taking during this lively lecture that's chock full of creative ideas on how to get the phone to ring and clients to walk through the door.
The Value of Strong Recommendations
As we enter into a recession, it's important that all team members feel comfortable making recommendations for our services and products. That's no easy feat for employees who may be struggling to pay bills and find it hard to offer service that they themselves would have trouble affording.
This interactive lecture invites thoughtfulness, discussion, and teaching on the power of recommendations to underline value and build trusting relationships with clients. How practices improve compliance, the financial tools hospital teams are leaning on to help clients fund services, and how to effectively discuss treatment plans will all be covered.
Fundamentals of Veterinary Financial Oversight
This is an excellent primer to help veterinary practice leaders understand pricing and profit, how to glean valuable management information from software reportage, and what statements from the accountant mean. You'll get all the latest benchmarks, plus a dashboard of information that Halow Consulting regularly reviews when trying to help practices achieve compliance and growth goals. This should be required learning for every hospital manager.
Intraoffice bickering can take a toll on performance, hospital safety, productivity, turnover, and health. An all-too-real case study allows team members to safely explore the dark underbelly of the 'front versus back' war before Bash conducts a workshop on how to improve office morale and employee interaction. This lecture gets teams talking again and sometimes prompts tearful reconciliations! Workflow and the latest communication technologies are also covered as a way to assist teams with understanding and working together better.
Clients Aren't the Enemy
They can drive us crazy sometimes, get under our skin, and push us to our limits. Reactions to client complaints like anger, sadness, explosiveness, or retaliation may feel normal given how hard we are pushed, but that sort of behavior is never an option, so how do we cope? This lecture uses realistic case studies to stimulate thought, discussion, and often some healthy venting before Bash teaches the audience how to effectively manage complaints and how to use them to help team members shine. Includes all aspects of managing 'difficult conversations'.
Leadership for Technicians
Just one of many lectures that Bash does for technician-only audiences. As an LVT, Bash connects well with this subset of the veterinary team; he knows how stretched for time great vet techs are and how leadership roles can pull them away from their core competency, nursing. Still, Bash believes that strong leadership from the LVTs of a practice is essential to a practice's health and performance, so he provides these young men and women the information and the motivation they need. Visit the CVC video that Bash did on this topic for more information on his thoughts about LVT's as practice leaders.
State of the Industry 2023
A well-researched look at the rapid changes that are occurring in our industry. Perennially popular, an earlier version of this lecture was presented to a veterinary audience at the House of the Lords in London, England and at the annual VHMA conference. Recently updated for 2023, this lecture includes pricing in an inflationary/recession economy, managing demands for higher wages, and even operating a veterinary practice in the metaverse! Attendees leave with a concise list of goals they need to pursue to remain competitive in the years to come. A real crowd pleaser because it sees the future as a an opportunity, not a threat.
Helping Veterinary Teams to Embrace Change
With tougher economic times upon us, some leaders are looking to change practice protocols, but teams are resistant.
Pushback is a part of every leader’s life, but some companies have found ways to get team members out of the same-old-rut of thinking; they help their team members see work from a new perspective, not only see the need to change, but want to change.
During this lecture mixed with exercises, discussion, and learning, Bash will walk leaders through the essentials of change management, both the large milestones and the specific hacks he has used to help individual hospitals through the tightest resistance points. Because the education helps audience members find their own answers, this education sticks. Teams walk away with a game plan for change and enthusiasm for it!
5 Terrible Things About Your Practice That You're Afraid To Admit
A 2022-23 Keynote Lecture! A hard, but objective view of our most destructive, internal issues. During the course of 50 minutes, Bash reveals the internal leadership and human resource flaws that perennially sabotage our efforts to succeed. Because Halow speaks from personal experience, audience members never feel indicted or shamed. Rather, this review is one that refreshes. It reminds everyone that mistakes are okay, provided we acknowledge them and commit ourselves to a better future. Bring that leader or practice owner you think needs 'woke'.
Inventory Management
Inventory management is one of the most frequently visited pages of my website. It has more than 500 veterinary professionals turning to it as a source of answers every year. In this lecture, I will break down the fundamentals of oversight of our second biggest expense and our number one source of headaches. You’ll learn how to code it, sort it, store it, price it and every other related matter in between. This is a must-attend primer for anyone that’s ever been assigned the task of managing products and medicines in a veterinary hospital.