Get started with improving your practice!

A Consultation: Your Practice’s Comprehensive Physical Exam
If a stranger calls your hospital and says, “My dog has an ear infection and she needs antibiotics, do you write the script?” Probably not. Your training and experience has taught you that without a full examination, you can’t be sure what’s wrong, why it’s wrong, and what will work to fix it.
After 15 years of consultation work, I too have come to see the critical value of an overall assessment of a practice before weighing in on one particular problem. By understanding the full scope of your practice, including the people that comprise your team, I am more likely to be successful ‘treating’ whatever specific problem prompted your call.
What Can I Expect From a Consultation?
Full Financial Review
We start every new client with our version of a comprehensive physical examination, a report that looks at :
Three years of financial and tax statements
Key performance indicators
How your business ranks against latest industry benchmarks
Client compliance
Team satisfaction and workplace health
Employee and safety manuals
Marketing effectiveness and R.O.I.
Online presence
Leadership engagement and productivity
A review of your business’s finances and metrics coupled with a visit to watch and meet the team usually uncovers enormous, easily-obtained opportunity.
Average Invoice Before
8 Months Later
All your data is organized according to AAHA-VMG standards, evaluated by us, benchmarked against other practices, and presented to you along with our profession opinion of what it means and what you should do in response to it. Additionally, we will adjust your financial statements to reflect true profit, a critical number in establishing your practice’s value. All information is kept strictly confidential.
Practice Observation and Introduction to Your Team
Along with the financial report, I travel to your practice, meet with your team, and observe your workflow for a full day.
I typically meet the team in the context of an entertaining and valuable lunch and Learn. During the meeting, I share that I was once a receptionist, assistant, LVT, manager and client. Knowing that I’m ‘one of them’ helps teams open up.
Usually these meeting can be fully funded by your favorite vendor! Contact me to find out more.

Practice Report
Roughly three weeks after my visit, you’ll receive a professional, 12-20 page report that includes an analysis of all the financial data described above; my thoughts from my day of observation; and a plan for the most important goals I believe you should address.

Final Step
After that, you and I will agree to a scope of work moving forward. Halow Consulting can assist you with improving morale, coaching your leaders, help with developing a standard of care, improving your HR tools, managing your online presence, rebuilding your website, advising you on pricing, writing original online content for you, and reviewing your financial and performance statistics. The scope of work is customized entirely to your needs and your budget. My goal is to provide excellent, affordable assistance that provides you a strong return on your investment.

How Much Does It Cost?
It may cost nothing! Halow Consulting has been used regularly by a number of companies as part of their strategic account programs or simply because a practice has asked them to assist with the cost of a consultation. Why would they do that? Because everybody wins if you get better at what you do. Your sales increase; the vendor’s relationship with you strengthens; your team’s morale improves; and I have the satisfaction of making a difference in the lives of people I admire and to whom I feel indebted for my success.

“We have 2 locations and 11 vets. I have been to many business presentations in the past and I must say that Bash Halow is one of the most engaging, compelling, and funny lecturers that I have ever heard.
While discussions of the future of vet med and the challenges of marketing and managing a large practice can be daunting, Bash sets forth a vision and a path that makes it less scary and more attainable. I would recommend him to anyone trying to get a handle on the ever-changing landscape of the veterinary world.” Mike Warren, Business Director and partner, Shiloh Veterinary Hospital, York, Pa.
Who Are Your Other Clients?
I work with general, emergency, and referral practices; corporate groups; not-for-profits; and teaching hospitals across the U.S. and Canada. I have assisted veterinarians with opening up new hospitals and helped seasoned ones determine an exit strategy. Some of my work with clients is completed in a few months; on the other side I have clients that have been with me since I started Halow Consulting in 2008! I will never sell you a service and be unresponsive if you have an event that changes your ability to move forward: illness, the loss of key personnel, a server meltdown, or a pandemic (!). I will work with your adversities because you’re never really working unless you are working together.
What’s Next?
First you use the call button below or dial 917 825 1630
It’s free and I genuinely enjoy helping my fellow veterinary colleagues. At the end of the call, you’ll have a much better understanding of what you should do and whether or not Halow Consulting is right for your business.