Let’s jump out of bed and into the car for an imaginary trip with your pet to the veterinarian.
Please answer the following questions:
- Today is the day you have to take your pet to the veterinarian. You wake up to see that he/she is already staring at you. Looking into those eyes, you think __________________ and you are feeling __________________.
- What are the things you need to do before getting into the car with your pet? Is there a carrier involved? Are you worried about car sickness? What are you feeling as you prepare to leave your home?
- On your way to the vet, you hear your pet _________________ and this makes you feel ___________________. Additionally, you are thinking ___________________.
- You get an impression the moment you walk into the veterinary office. What are the things that immediately contribute to how you feel?
- The check in process makes you feel _______________ because _______________.
- While you wait for your appointment, your pet looks/sounds ___________________. This makes you feel___________.
- Now it is time to go in for your appointment. You know this because _________________. Now you feel __________________.
- During the examination, they take your pet ‘to the back’ and leave you waiting in the room alone. What are you feeling and thinking?
- When they return your pet, he/she seems __________________ and you think ____________________.
- At the desk, the CSR tells you that today’s bill is $575.00. What are your thoughts?